- Manuscripts of articles submitted to the Editorial Office of the journal “Written Monuments of the Orient” are read by the Editor-in-Chief, the Vice-Editor-in-Chief, or by the Academic Secretary who check whether the articles are suitable, both in subject matter and format, for the journal.
- Manuscripts of articles submitted to the Editorial Office are registered by the journal’s secretary and sent for written reviewing to one reviewer (or two reviewers, if needed).
- The reviewers are notified that the manuscripts are the intellectual property of authors and are not to be distributed. The reviewers are not allowed to copy manuscripts for their personal needs. The identity of reviewers is not revealed to authors.
- Manuscript reviews are provided to authors by the Editorial Office upon their written request. No personal information of the reviewers (name, place of work, academic affiliation) is disclosed.
- If reviewers request revision of a manuscript, it is returned to the author for revision. In this case, the date when the revised manuscript is received by the Editorial Office is considered the date of the manuscript submission.
- A manuscript sent to the author for revision must be returned with necessary changes as requested by the Editorial Board. The revised version must be accompanied by a letter from the author containing answers to all critical remarks and explaining all revisions made in the manuscript.
- If an article was substantially revised by the author following the recommendations received from the reviewers, it is sent for the second review to the same reviewer who made critical remarks and recommendations.
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject an article if its author refuses to consider the Board’s recommendations.
- If there are negative reviews from two different reviewers, or one negative review on the revised version of an article, it is rejected by the Editorial Board.
- In case an article is rejected, the Editorial Office sends its author a letter explaining reasons for rejection.